Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blog has moved!

Please update your reader! After switching everything over (email, reader, etc.) to finally reflect my new last name, my blog has moved to:
Come on over! (And become a follower, too!)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Midnight in the Garden

If you haven't read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, get yourself to the library or nearest bookstore and pick up a copy quick! It's one of my favorite books of all time and most definitely a great Southern book. I got totally sucked into the book while I was reading it. It really draws you in with all the great characters and interesting plot. And you know it's not a good story about the South without some crazies, right?

The movie version is another favorite of mine. I can't resist it anytime it's on tv. John Cusack is such a great actor that I'll watch him in just about anything! Clint Eastwood did a great job directing it. I like how everyone in the movie seems authentically southern, even if they aren't. Some of the accents are a little thick, but none of them seem put on, which usually bothers me about movies based in the south that don't feature southern actors.

Sassy Lady Chablis! I still haven't seen her show in Savannah, but I hear it is quite exciting!
One of my favorite quotes is by John Cusack's character, after he realizes that things are a little bit different down south:

'I've only been here three days and it's just a shooting, but give it time, okay. This place is fantastic. It's like Gone With the Wind on Mescalin. I know you're my agent. Listen to me, they walk imaginary pets here, Garland. On a f-ing leash. Alright? And they're all heavily armed and drunk. New York is boring!'

Mercer House is featured in the movie and one of the spots I'll have to put on my places to see and photograph on my next trip to Savannah.

Friday, October 9, 2009


I discovered this fantastic face wash while staying at the W Buckhead in Atlanta last month. I usually judge a hotel by it's bath products and the quality of the sheets and the W did not disappoint! The rooms were fabulously furnished and very modern. The bar with outdoor lounge/balcony was really fun. Now, I'm totally hooked on this Foaming Face Wash from Bliss. It leaves your skin feeling super fresh and has the best scent. I'm squeezing out every last drop of the tiny bottles I got from the hotel and I'll be sure to put this on my favorites list at If you haven't tried it yet, run out to your nearest Sephora and try it immediately! Your face will thank you!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sad News...

I was so sad to hear this week that Gourmet magazine is going under! November will be their last issue. I really wish they'd at least have published the December issue so we could have one more set of fabulous holiday recipes! Wouldn't that be grand?The good news is their website will be up till the end of the year, so get to and download a few fabulous recipes and classic cocktails before they're gone!
I'll have to decide what to subscribe to now. Got any suggestions? Food & Wine? Bon Apetit?I hear that Cook's Illustrated is really good, but I love a magazine with delicious food photos...